But Still I Rise



Friday, April 17 at 7 p.m., we will partner with New Beginnings to join Dr. Emil Peeler and the Capitol Hill SDA Church for virtual communion


This experience will include prayer, readings, an uplifting homily, and music.  The guiding pastor will direct you through the foot washing and receiving communion. All you need to do is follow along online.


At 7:00pm, logon virtually to: 

ONLY If you are unable to join via YouTube please call 646-558-8656 and Enter ID: 565-665-4300.


Please follow the guides below to prepare for Communion.  There are two ways to participate:

  1. Pick up at emblems at UIC
    • You may pick up your communion emblems at UIC on Wednesday (4/15) & Thursday (4/16) at 3:30 - 5:30
  1. Prepare your own emblems

Use Handout: Communion Bread Recipe During Corona by Donna Green-Goodman. This should be prepared the day before or the morning of the scheduled Communion.



New Beginnings & United in Christ, in partnership with Capitol Hill SDA Church, will host a Virtual Communion Service on Friday, April 17, 2020, at 7:00 pm. We invite you to participate in this experience from your home via our Youtube channel, Facebook, or our Zoom link. The Ordinance of Communion will include foot washing (for families or groups of 2 or more), symbolic of Christ’s example of humility; and the elements of bread and grape juice, symbols of Christ’s broken body and shed blood.


Find below advice on preparation for a "Virtual" or Personal-Led communion: 


  1. Pick up Communion Emblems

    • UIC Pick-up: Wednesday (4/15) & Thursday (4/16) at 3:30 - 5:30
    • New Beginnings Pick-up: TBD

  2. Purchase

    • Grape Juice (quantity depends on size of your family)
    • Unleavened bread/baked crackers

  3. Bake your Own

    Use Handout: Communion Bread Recipe During Corona by Donna Green- Goodman. (This should be prepared the day before or the morning of the scheduled Communion)

  4. Set aside basin and hand towels (Family or groups of 2 or more only) for foot-washing

  5. Spiritual Preparation
    • Revisit the gospel account on the sacrifice of Jesus. (See, Matthew 26:26-30,
    Mark 14:22-26, Luke 22:19-20, 1 Corinthians 11:23-29)


“Virtual” Communion

On Friday, have family dinner.

Sit down together as a family. No phone, tv, radio, etc. Just you and your family. If it is just you at home, host a “virtual dinner” with family and/or friends over FaceTime, Zoom, or Skype. During dinner, discuss the following question. You are also encouraged to develop your own questions. The goal is for you and your family/friends to spend some quality time together.


Q. During this time of quarantine, what more have you learned about:


At 6:45pm, please begin the ordinance of humility (foot-washing). Be ready with your elements:

At 7:00pm, logon virtually to: 

ONLY If you are unable to join via YouTube please call 646-558-8656 and Enter ID: 565-665-4300.


This experience will include prayer, readings, an uplifting homily, and music.  The guiding pastor will direct you through the foot washing and receiving communion. All you need to do is follow along online.


The Pastor will direct you through properly receiving communion. All you need to do is follow along, online, individually or with your family.


Share With Us
After participating in “virtual” Communion we invite you to:





A. Scriptures

B. Songs

C. Videos for Kids